The end to the Groundhog Days…

29 Sep

Right.  It’s time to make a serious commitment to this blog.

8 months into motherhood and I feel that the days are becoming a blur and there seems to be little productivity.  This is frustrating because being a stay-at-home mum is definitely the toughest job I have EVER done (and let me tell you Sales in IT is no walk in the park…). Yet, I ask myself, “Where are the achievements ?  Where is this all going ?”  Don’t get me wrong.  I love my twin boys with every living part of me, but bloody hell, they’re hard work !  I’m not used to putting this much effort and not really seeing the immediate return.  I have my husband constantly telling me the results are forming, that things will get easier and the boys will soon be more independent.  My reply is always (as lame and irrelevant as it is): “You’re not doing the breastfeeding…”

So, to try and put some clarity to each day, I am going to (ahem) commit to at least 30 minutes (yikes !) of typing into my blog every day (gulp !!!).  No matter how tired I am, or how much exhaustion and sleep deprivation is clouding my ability to think, I WILL log in and WRITE.

We seem to find wisdom from those we least expect.  A little while ago, unable to get an hair appointment at his regular barbershop, my husband went to an alternative place.  There, he striked up a conversation with the owner about raising children and how tough the early baby stages can be.  The barber quietly said, “Ah yes, the days seem to go by so slowly, but the years go by so quickly.”  I know we’re not there yet, but I’m sure there are truth to his words.

I guess this is another reason why I want to try to stick to this blog.  At some point, the stage of groundhog days will end but I will still want to have some record of what happened.  No matter how mundane or slow these days seem…

7 Responses to “The end to the Groundhog Days…”

  1. Melissa Bannan October 20, 2010 at 10:58 am #

    So glad to see that EVERY MOTHER goes through the same thing. It DOEAS get easier, more fun, and they DO get more independant. Harley is much more like my little friend now, he still depends on me of course, but he can feed him self, go to the toilet, play on his own etc….plus the daycare 2-3 days a week is a welcome break! (for both of us I think). You are still at home with the boys 24/7, so you never really get a proper break, especially if your still breastfeeding. For me, the memory or how demanding being a SAHM is, will never fade, hence not diving in to have another baby just yet. Very happy to have stumbled onto your blog and look forward to reading more!

    • mamagrace71 October 20, 2010 at 10:09 pm #

      Hey Mel, thanks for sharing your thoughts about your gorgeous H. I knew that if there was any mother reading my blog that understood what I was going through…it would be you 🙂 It’s amazing what you said about never getting a proper break. My hubby has been so great and flexible in making sure I get “me time”…I get to go for a jog, get my haircut, etc. I come back and because I end up missing my boys so much, I return as a happy, rejuvenated mama. But, in fear of sounding selfish or ungrateful, it doesn’t take long until I get exhausted again…Does this make me a bad mother ? Like I said in my blog, I love the boys to bits but oh boy, are some days tough. Will keep you posted with more 🙂

      • Melissa Bannan October 21, 2010 at 10:42 am #

        I dont think we will ever get a proper ‘break’ until they are married and have their own kids? I dont know…..LOL! Its worth it though

      • mamagrace71 October 21, 2010 at 11:05 am #

        I agree with you. It is totally worth it. I woke up this morning with the usual bouts of sleep deprivation. BUT… that all seemed to melt away when I picked my bubbies up from their cots and was greeted with huge smiles. Pre-babies, I used to wake up sleep deprived as well, but that was from work stress and suffering anxiety attacks because I knew I had a crazy day at the office ahead of me. Waking up these days is much more of a joy and rewarding. I am blessed 🙂

  2. Christine October 20, 2010 at 2:25 pm #

    You’ve got my subscription! I find it hard to fit everything into the one day as well… I find full time work exhausting alone – I barely find any time to exercise or write on my own blog (which has sadly been neglected for nearly a month now.. lol.) I don’t know how you do it! Being a parent seems amazing and awesome, but I find it seems like the impossible to give up sleep for one day, let alone months or even over a year.. That probably sounds really selfish, but it seems like sleep is the one personal pleasure I get at the moment. That was an interesting quote from the barber that you heard, even just with life i can relate! very true!

    • mamagrace71 October 20, 2010 at 10:02 pm #

      Hey Christine, thanks for your input ! No, it doesn’t sound selfish at all…I was just asking my husband the other day…”If someone locked me in a dark room, with no windows but a big comfortable bed…how long do you think I would actually sleep for ??? 10, 12 hours ???” Lol !
      Sleep ! Take it when you can, I say…

      Yes, I think you can take the barber’s words and relate it to many other things in life, not just motherhood. I guess, the underlying message there is to appreciate every day, as it can all whizz by before you know it…


  1. The Highs and Lows of 2010 | Mamagrace71's Blog - December 27, 2010

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